Monday, 26 September 2016

Nailing the CFO Interview: The Day of the Interview

Nailing the CFO Interview: The Day of the Interview

In the second installment Lewis Daidone offers advice for an effective and successful job interview. Lewis Daidone is a Certified Public Accountant and a consultant to financial services firms and tech companies.

The interview process can be stressful; you want to demonstrate your exceptional capabilities while keeping the interviewer engaged. In some cases, too much enthusiasm can affect one’s ability to act naturally. If you’re nervous about being interviewed, these tips might help make it go smoothly.

Dress for success.

It seems obvious, but it is very important to choose your attire based on the office culture and expectations. While you may want to ask about the dress code prior to the interview, it never hurts to appear in a business suit - especially when interviewing with the CFO. Better to be too conservative than appear too casual.

Give yourself a 10-minute cushion.

Although you might be tempted to arrive as early as possible, if you arrive 20 minutes (or more) early, you could give the impression that you are either over zealous or unconcerned about the interviewer’s schedule. Whatever you do, do not arrive late. Arriving late is the most effective way of showing the interviewer that you cannot be relied upon to meet important obligations.

Start the interview the moment you walk into the building.

Don’t make the mistake of only treating the interviewer with respect. If you’re unpleasant or rude to the receptionist or anyone else for that matter, word will certainly get back to the CFO.

Be relaxed… but not too relaxed.

You want to be at ease during the interview, but don’t take familiarity too far. Keep your attitude warm, but professionally distant.

In the final installment of this CFO interview series, I’ll give you some tips on making the post-interview period work in your favor.

Monday, 19 September 2016

New Job? Here’s How to Make the Best Impression

New Job? Here’s How to Make the Best Impression

It isn’t unusual to have new job jitters during your probationary period. In the following article, Lewis Daidone discusses how you can show your best self to your new colleagues and supervisors. Lewis Daidone is a Certified Public Accountant and a consultant to financial services firms and tech companies.

If you’ve just gotten your dream job at one of the Big Four accounting firms, you’re probably very anxious to make the best possible impression. However, in your eagerness to make yourself invaluable to the firm, your enthusiasm may be misconstrued as being too aggressive and you may end up alienating the people that you want to impress. If you are too introverted you may stay under their radar. Here are a few tips for truly showcasing your talent.

You might not know everything, but use everything you know.

As a new hire, you may be a small fish in a big pond, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep your mouth shut and your head down. There was a reason why you were hired, and you shouldn’t be too timid to contribute if your contribution is well-considered and based on solid experience. Don’t be afraid to take initiative or tackle a challenging task.

Keep your ego in check.

Even though you might have outshone your college peers or former colleagues with your accounting acumen, you’re in a whole new world now. Give yourself permission to adjust to the new culture, and seriously consider the advice and guidance that you receive. Make sure you know how things operate before you try to make changes.

Be accessible.

It’s true—quite a few people who are attracted to the accounting profession have introverted dispositions. Even though it might not be your instinct to reach out to new colleagues, it’s nonetheless a good idea to do so sooner rather than later. You certainly don’t have be everybody’s best friend, but you should introduce yourself to co-workers and colleagues and ask questions about the firm and the company culture.

Yes, starting a new job can be intimidating, but make it a point to become integrated into the company structure as soon as possible. If you’re a relaxed, confident, and reliable team member, you’ll not only be off to a great start, but a great career as well.